Psiphon app has been one of the most used vpn apps for a very long time in this country. It has really been of great use to us for tweaking and most of the recent free browsing cheats that we have been making use of. For most of us tgat do not know about the psiphon vpn app, Psiphon is a circumvention tool from Psiphon Inc. that utilizes VPN, SSH and HTTP Proxy technology to provide you with uncensored access to Internet content super faster browsing experience. Client will automatically learn about new access points to maximize your chances of bypassing censorship.

This application is designed to provide you with open access to online content. Phisphon does not increase your online privacy, and should not be considered or used as an online security tool.
Psiphon app can be used on both PC and Android platform. 4aw 35uh The main function of Psiphon is network bypassing and evasion but that cannot deprive it the fact that it doesn't store and associate or make your IP address or any sensitive information from your device visible to any website you visit through this app. Once an older server is down or blocked as the case may be, This app switch's to a new one from the Psiphon Inc.
I think You most have at somepoint already experience this. You want to access a particular websites and only to discover you can't i.e You are been blocked from accessing that websites while using the internet in school, college, Home, public Wi-Fi or in the workplace. and you seriously need to access this website probably to get some certain piece of info you need to submit. but due to security restrictions and prevention you are unable to access it.
So this is where Psiphon for PC and Phone comes in, It is a package of VPN, HTTP and SSH Proxy technology to provide access to blocked websites. so if you want to make a full stop to security restrictions and prevention issue and browse as many sites you want?
Then download Psiphon for windows 7, 8, 8'1 and 10 operating systems. Psiphon is free and work on both android laptop Desktop.
Tags: What is Psiphon?
What exactly is Psiphon for?
What are Psiphon features?
Why should you use psiphone?
Where can I get/download this app?
Features of Psiphon for PC
» Psiphon for Windows is a combination of VPN and Proxy technology, and it allows user best VPN service to access blocked websites. Apart from this main feature this app has so many other features also.
» Automatic discovery. Psiphon3 clients ship with a set of known Psiphone servers to connect to. Over time, clients discover additional servers that are added to a backup server list. As older servers become blocked, each client will have a reserve list of new servers to draw from as it reconnects. To ensure that an adversary cannot enumerate and block a large number of servers, the Psiphon 3 system takes special measures to control how many servers may be discovered by a single client.
» Mobile ready. A Psiphon3 client Android app will be available as part of the beta launch, and other mobile platforms are in the works.
» Zero install. Psiphon 3 is delivered to users as a minimal footprint, zero install application that can be downloaded from any webpage, file sharing site or shared by e-mail and passed around on a USB key. We keep the file size small and avoid the overhead of having to install an application.
» Custom branding. Psiphon 3 offers a flexible sponsorship system which includes sponsor-branded clients. Dynamic branding includes graphics and text on the client UI; and a region-specific dynamic homepage mechanism that allows a different home page to open depending on where in the world the client is run.
» Chain of trust. Each client instance may be digitally signed to certify its authenticity. Embedded server certificates certify that Phisphone servers the client connects to are the authentic servers for that client.
» Privacy. Psiphon 3 is designed to respect user privacy. User statistics are logged in aggregate, but no individual personally identifying information, such as user IP addresses, are retained in PH-V log files.
» Agile transport. Psiphon 3 features a pluggable architecture with multiple transport mechanisms, including VPN and SSH tunneling. In the case where one transport protocol is blocked by a censor, PH automatically switches over to another mechanism. I have listed some of then here.
» Use for personal use and for completely free.
» Supported many languages from around the world.
» Protect device if you are using a secured or unsecured public Wi-Fi.
» PC and mobile version are available.
» Psiphon for PC does not require any registration, subscription or any
Coming soon:
IPv6 compatibility. Psiphon 3 is designed to be IPv6 compatible. This ensures the system is ready for the next generation Internet, and in the immediate term offers some additional circumvention capabilities as IPv6-based censorship lags behind the tools used to censor IPv4 traffic.
Psiphon was Initially an android apk app which lets you use, trick and connect to the internet beyond the normal limits. It became so popular among android users most especiallyNIGERIANS, Kenyans, AND INDIANS.
How to Download and Install Psiphon for Windows 10/8.1/8/7
I have provided the free download link for All Latest version of Psiphon below.
Previously has you all know there was no desktop app available, so the only option back then is to use the alternate methods for using Phipson on PC through blue stack and Andyroid which are both android emulator to use android app on pc.
But now you can directly download Psiphon for your PC (Known as Psiphon 3).
But there is still complete guid below on how to use Phipson on PC through blue stack and ANDROID.
HERE COMES another series of Edited Psiphon handlers.. The New series of Psiphon handlers features:
Psiphon 68, Psiphon 85, Psiphon 87, Psiphon 95, Psiphon 96, Psiphon 101 and the latest, Psiphon 115 handler.
Download Psiphon for Your PC (Windows 7/8/8.1/10 or even XP)
Download Versions 3 exe for PC
Psiphon 3 exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 115 exe file of for PC
Psiphon 115.exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 101 exe for PC
Psiphon 101.exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 96 exe for PC
Psiphon 96.exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 95 exe for PC
Psiphon 95.exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 87 exe for PC
Psiphon 87.exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 85 exe for PC
Psiphon 85.exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 68 exe for PC
Psiphon 68.exe / Mirror link
Download KBG latest Psiphon handler
Download Psiphon for Android Apk
Download Psiphon 133 apk for Android
Psiphon133 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 130 apk for Android
Psiphon130 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 128 apk for Android
Psiphon128 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 122 apk for Android
Psiphon122 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 121 apk for Android
Psiphon121 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 114 apk for Android
Psiphon114 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 113 apk for Android
Psiphon113 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 91 apk for Android
Psiphon91 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 89 apk for Android
Psiphon89 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 88 apk for Android
Psiphon88 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon apk for Android
Psiphon / Mirror link
Download Psiphon for IOS
Unfortunately psiphon currently not available for Ios platform.
Good News:
Psiphon inc start project on ISO. The app will be available for all iOS device (iPhone, ipads, and others). and iPhone user will join the android users to enjoy this great VPN.
Among the Psiphon app servers and the client, An secure encrypted connection is established which can not be intercepted.
So if You, friend, or acquaintances can not or Blocked from seeing a particular page because it has been banned in their country or because the connection fails, send them the address of the Psiphon server.
Psiphon lets you establish different user account, and all of them are protected with passwords which you may give to whomever you want.
» Visit Andyroid official site for andyroid emulator and download.
» Andyroid emulator is preinstalled with Play Store, So Just directly open the Play Store app and search for Psiphon.
» Now download and install.
» Bluestacks for Windows
» Same as th above, go to its main web page and get the Bluestacks app.
» But it has a direct search option, there you can type your app name, type “Psiphon”
» Later you will be seen by it icon on Bluestacks and tap on that icon.
» If you done everything correct, then start to browse on unlimited blocked websites.
What user information does Psiphon 3 collect?
We collect the following data to find out how well Psiphon is working, what sites are popular and what propagation strategies are effective. This information is shared with our partners so that they can see, for example, how often their sites are visited through Psiphon and from which countries.
Number of email requests for client download linkNumber of upgradesHow often each protocol is used, and error codes after failureHow often new servers are discoveredSession count and session durationPage views (full page URLs for sponsor web sites)Bytes transferredNumber of HTTPS requestsClient platform (simplified operating system list; e.g, not a detailed browser user agent)
User IP addresses and email addresses are never collected; users are not required to create accounts to use the system.
Event logs include timestamps, region codes (GeoIP country code) and non-identifying attributes including sponsor ID (determined by which Psiphon client is used), client version, and protocol type. Page views are aggregated by time and/or session before being logged.
All statistics shared with sponsors are further aggregated by date, sponsor, and region.
When you choose to submit feedback through Psiphon you will have the option of including diagnostic data. We use this data to help us troubleshoot any problems you might be having and to help us keep Psiphon running smoothly. Sending this data is entirely optional. The data is encrypted before you send it, and can only be decrypted by us. The information in the data varies by platform, but it may include:
Operating system versionAnti-virus versionHow you're connected to the internet (for example, if you're using dial-up or connected via a proxy)How much free memory your computer hasAndroid:Android versionModel of phoneWhether your phone is rooted
From time to time Psiphon may have to record additional information in order to resolve a problem with our service. When this occurs, we will add an entry here describing what was recorded, how long it was kept, and why.
Open Source
PH3 is an open source project. You can find source code and design documents on the project home page.
PH 3 clients use the following open source components.
*Do you have anything to add? Please don't hesitate to Share, Sourgestion or any question regarding this, please do not hesitate to drop all in the comments box below.
Other frequently asked questions
Q: Where can I get the latest information about Psiphon 3?
A: Join our mailing lists:
PsH 3 AnnouncementsPsiphon 3 User GroupPsiphon 3 Developers
Q: Why does my Psiphon 3 IP address frequently change?
A: Your PsH 3 client will automatically discover new PH 3 servers. When the last server used is currently unavailable, another one can be used instead.
Q: Why do I see the message "connection failed" repeating over and over?
A: If you see repeated "connection failed" messages, it means that there are no available servers that your client knows about. Try to download a new PH 3 client.
Q: How can I get a new Psiphon 3 client?
A: Send an email to or the email address you used to obtain your current Psiphon 3 client.
Q: How do I check my current version of Psiphon 3?
A: When PH 3 starts, it displays the Client Version on the first line of output.
Q: What is the file "psiphon3.exe.orig"?
A: The automatic update process in PH 3 for Windows renames its old version to "psiphon3.exe.orig". Old files with the ".orig" suffix can safely be deleted.
Q: Does Psiphon 3 for Windows proxy all of my Internet traffic?
A: Only in VPN mode. After a successful connection is established in VPN mode, your entire computer’s traffic will pass through the PH 3 network. In SSH modes, only applications that use the local HTTP and SOCKS proxies will be proxied.
Q: Is Psiphon 3 for Windows compatible with IE, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome web browsers?
A: Yes. In SSH modes, check your browser settings and make sure that it is configured to use the system proxy settings.
Q: Are there any port restrictions in VPN mode? Why can't I send email using my mail client in VPN mode?
A: Outbound connections from the PH 3 for Windows VPN can be made only on the following ports: 53, 80, 443, 554, 1935, 7070, 8000, 8001, 6971-6999. See this discussion for more information. Mail clients cannot establish outbound connections on ports 25 and 587. See this discussion for more information.
Q: What VPN protocol is used by Psiphon 3 for Windows? Why can't I connect?
A: Psiphon uses the L2TP/IPSec VPN protocol. Your network's firewall may not allow the use of VPNs. Your home router may not be configured to pass through this VPN protocol; check your firewall settings to see that IPSec or L2TP pass-through is enabled. Your system’s IPSec Services may be disabled; check your service settings and enable this service to start automatically.
Q: I can connect to Psiphon 3 for Windows in VPN mode, but why is it so slow? Sometimes web pages don't load at all.
A: Certain networking hardware or Internet connections may cause performance problems for L2TP/IPSec which is the protocol used by PH 3 in VPN mode. Try using SSH modes instead.
Q: When I connect to Psiphon 3 for Windows in VPN mode, none of my web pages load. I get error messages indicating that a domain lookup failed.
A: PH 3 restricts DNS traffic to white-listed, vetted DNS servers. The PH 3 client automatically configures your VPN DNS server settings. If you're getting errors related to DNS, check that you're not infected by the "DNS Changer" malware, which tries to change your DNS server settings. More info can be found here.
Q: How do I configure applications to use the Psiphon 3 tunnel in SSH modes?
A: PH 3 will automatically configure your system to use a local HTTP/HTTPS proxy at a local SOCKS proxy at Windows applications that use the System Proxy Settings will automatically be proxied. You may manually configure other applications to use these local proxies. Both PH 3 for Windows (SSH modes) and PH3 for Android run these local proxies.
Q: What is SSH+ mode?
A: SSH mode with the addition of an obfuscation layer on top of the SSH handshake to defend against protocol fingerprinting. A description of the protocol can be found here.
Q. In SSH mode for Psiphon 3 for Windows, I see the error message "Failed to connect to Polipo". What can I do?
A: The local HTTP proxy could not run. You might have another process running that is using the default port. Try using a different port. See the question "Q. Can I run the local HTTP proxy on a different port than 8080?"
Q. Can I run the local HTTP proxy on a different port than 8080?
A: Yes, on Windows. Click Run, and type "regedit" to open the Registry Editor. Find and open "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Psiphon3", and on the right side you will see "UserLocalHTTPProxyPort". Set it's value to the port (in Decimal) that you would like to use.
Q: I use AutoProxy. How can I tell Psiphon3 for Windows not to configure my system proxy settings?
A: Click Run, and type "regedit" to open the Registry Editor. Find and open "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Psiphon3", and on the right side you will see "UserSkipProxySettings". Set this value to 1 and Psiphon 3 will not automatically configure the system proxy settings.
Hope You find all you wanted and fix you Problems... Thanks for Reading.. Do ensure You come Back for more Premium Guides.
This application is designed to provide you with open access to online content. Phisphon does not increase your online privacy, and should not be considered or used as an online security tool.
Psiphon app can be used on both PC and Android platform. 4aw 35uh The main function of Psiphon is network bypassing and evasion but that cannot deprive it the fact that it doesn't store and associate or make your IP address or any sensitive information from your device visible to any website you visit through this app. Once an older server is down or blocked as the case may be, This app switch's to a new one from the Psiphon Inc.
I think You most have at somepoint already experience this. You want to access a particular websites and only to discover you can't i.e You are been blocked from accessing that websites while using the internet in school, college, Home, public Wi-Fi or in the workplace. and you seriously need to access this website probably to get some certain piece of info you need to submit. but due to security restrictions and prevention you are unable to access it.
So this is where Psiphon for PC and Phone comes in, It is a package of VPN, HTTP and SSH Proxy technology to provide access to blocked websites. so if you want to make a full stop to security restrictions and prevention issue and browse as many sites you want?
Then download Psiphon for windows 7, 8, 8'1 and 10 operating systems. Psiphon is free and work on both android laptop Desktop.
Tags: What is Psiphon?
What exactly is Psiphon for?
What are Psiphon features?
Why should you use psiphone?
Where can I get/download this app?
Features of Psiphon for PC
» Psiphon for Windows is a combination of VPN and Proxy technology, and it allows user best VPN service to access blocked websites. Apart from this main feature this app has so many other features also.
» Automatic discovery. Psiphon3 clients ship with a set of known Psiphone servers to connect to. Over time, clients discover additional servers that are added to a backup server list. As older servers become blocked, each client will have a reserve list of new servers to draw from as it reconnects. To ensure that an adversary cannot enumerate and block a large number of servers, the Psiphon 3 system takes special measures to control how many servers may be discovered by a single client.
» Mobile ready. A Psiphon3 client Android app will be available as part of the beta launch, and other mobile platforms are in the works.
» Zero install. Psiphon 3 is delivered to users as a minimal footprint, zero install application that can be downloaded from any webpage, file sharing site or shared by e-mail and passed around on a USB key. We keep the file size small and avoid the overhead of having to install an application.
» Custom branding. Psiphon 3 offers a flexible sponsorship system which includes sponsor-branded clients. Dynamic branding includes graphics and text on the client UI; and a region-specific dynamic homepage mechanism that allows a different home page to open depending on where in the world the client is run.
» Chain of trust. Each client instance may be digitally signed to certify its authenticity. Embedded server certificates certify that Phisphone servers the client connects to are the authentic servers for that client.
» Privacy. Psiphon 3 is designed to respect user privacy. User statistics are logged in aggregate, but no individual personally identifying information, such as user IP addresses, are retained in PH-V log files.
» Agile transport. Psiphon 3 features a pluggable architecture with multiple transport mechanisms, including VPN and SSH tunneling. In the case where one transport protocol is blocked by a censor, PH automatically switches over to another mechanism. I have listed some of then here.
» Use for personal use and for completely free.
» Supported many languages from around the world.
» Protect device if you are using a secured or unsecured public Wi-Fi.
» PC and mobile version are available.
» Psiphon for PC does not require any registration, subscription or any
Coming soon:
IPv6 compatibility. Psiphon 3 is designed to be IPv6 compatible. This ensures the system is ready for the next generation Internet, and in the immediate term offers some additional circumvention capabilities as IPv6-based censorship lags behind the tools used to censor IPv4 traffic.
Psiphon was Initially an android apk app which lets you use, trick and connect to the internet beyond the normal limits. It became so popular among android users most especiallyNIGERIANS, Kenyans, AND INDIANS.
How to Download and Install Psiphon for Windows 10/8.1/8/7
I have provided the free download link for All Latest version of Psiphon below.
Previously has you all know there was no desktop app available, so the only option back then is to use the alternate methods for using Phipson on PC through blue stack and Andyroid which are both android emulator to use android app on pc.
But now you can directly download Psiphon for your PC (Known as Psiphon 3).
But there is still complete guid below on how to use Phipson on PC through blue stack and ANDROID.
HERE COMES another series of Edited Psiphon handlers.. The New series of Psiphon handlers features:
Psiphon 68, Psiphon 85, Psiphon 87, Psiphon 95, Psiphon 96, Psiphon 101 and the latest, Psiphon 115 handler.
Download Psiphon for Your PC (Windows 7/8/8.1/10 or even XP)
Download Versions 3 exe for PC
Psiphon 3 exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 115 exe file of for PC
Psiphon 115.exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 101 exe for PC
Psiphon 101.exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 96 exe for PC
Psiphon 96.exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 95 exe for PC
Psiphon 95.exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 87 exe for PC
Psiphon 87.exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 85 exe for PC
Psiphon 85.exe / Mirror link
Download Versions 68 exe for PC
Psiphon 68.exe / Mirror link
Download KBG latest Psiphon handler
Download Psiphon for Android Apk
Download Psiphon 133 apk for Android
Psiphon133 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 130 apk for Android
Psiphon130 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 128 apk for Android
Psiphon128 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 122 apk for Android
Psiphon122 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 121 apk for Android
Psiphon121 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 114 apk for Android
Psiphon114 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 113 apk for Android
Psiphon113 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 91 apk for Android
Psiphon91 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 89 apk for Android
Psiphon89 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon 88 apk for Android
Psiphon88 / Mirror link
Download Psiphon apk for Android
Psiphon / Mirror link
Download Psiphon for IOS
Unfortunately psiphon currently not available for Ios platform.
Good News:
Psiphon inc start project on ISO. The app will be available for all iOS device (iPhone, ipads, and others). and iPhone user will join the android users to enjoy this great VPN.
Among the Psiphon app servers and the client, An secure encrypted connection is established which can not be intercepted.
So if You, friend, or acquaintances can not or Blocked from seeing a particular page because it has been banned in their country or because the connection fails, send them the address of the Psiphon server.
Psiphon lets you establish different user account, and all of them are protected with passwords which you may give to whomever you want.
» Visit Andyroid official site for andyroid emulator and download.
» Andyroid emulator is preinstalled with Play Store, So Just directly open the Play Store app and search for Psiphon.
» Now download and install.
» Bluestacks for Windows
» Same as th above, go to its main web page and get the Bluestacks app.
» But it has a direct search option, there you can type your app name, type “Psiphon”
» Later you will be seen by it icon on Bluestacks and tap on that icon.
» If you done everything correct, then start to browse on unlimited blocked websites.
What user information does Psiphon 3 collect?
We collect the following data to find out how well Psiphon is working, what sites are popular and what propagation strategies are effective. This information is shared with our partners so that they can see, for example, how often their sites are visited through Psiphon and from which countries.
Number of email requests for client download linkNumber of upgradesHow often each protocol is used, and error codes after failureHow often new servers are discoveredSession count and session durationPage views (full page URLs for sponsor web sites)Bytes transferredNumber of HTTPS requestsClient platform (simplified operating system list; e.g, not a detailed browser user agent)
User IP addresses and email addresses are never collected; users are not required to create accounts to use the system.
Event logs include timestamps, region codes (GeoIP country code) and non-identifying attributes including sponsor ID (determined by which Psiphon client is used), client version, and protocol type. Page views are aggregated by time and/or session before being logged.
All statistics shared with sponsors are further aggregated by date, sponsor, and region.
When you choose to submit feedback through Psiphon you will have the option of including diagnostic data. We use this data to help us troubleshoot any problems you might be having and to help us keep Psiphon running smoothly. Sending this data is entirely optional. The data is encrypted before you send it, and can only be decrypted by us. The information in the data varies by platform, but it may include:
Operating system versionAnti-virus versionHow you're connected to the internet (for example, if you're using dial-up or connected via a proxy)How much free memory your computer hasAndroid:Android versionModel of phoneWhether your phone is rooted
From time to time Psiphon may have to record additional information in order to resolve a problem with our service. When this occurs, we will add an entry here describing what was recorded, how long it was kept, and why.
Open Source
PH3 is an open source project. You can find source code and design documents on the project home page.
PH 3 clients use the following open source components.
*Do you have anything to add? Please don't hesitate to Share, Sourgestion or any question regarding this, please do not hesitate to drop all in the comments box below.
Other frequently asked questions
Q: Where can I get the latest information about Psiphon 3?
A: Join our mailing lists:
PsH 3 AnnouncementsPsiphon 3 User GroupPsiphon 3 Developers
Q: Why does my Psiphon 3 IP address frequently change?
A: Your PsH 3 client will automatically discover new PH 3 servers. When the last server used is currently unavailable, another one can be used instead.
Q: Why do I see the message "connection failed" repeating over and over?
A: If you see repeated "connection failed" messages, it means that there are no available servers that your client knows about. Try to download a new PH 3 client.
Q: How can I get a new Psiphon 3 client?
A: Send an email to or the email address you used to obtain your current Psiphon 3 client.
Q: How do I check my current version of Psiphon 3?
A: When PH 3 starts, it displays the Client Version on the first line of output.
Q: What is the file "psiphon3.exe.orig"?
A: The automatic update process in PH 3 for Windows renames its old version to "psiphon3.exe.orig". Old files with the ".orig" suffix can safely be deleted.
Q: Does Psiphon 3 for Windows proxy all of my Internet traffic?
A: Only in VPN mode. After a successful connection is established in VPN mode, your entire computer’s traffic will pass through the PH 3 network. In SSH modes, only applications that use the local HTTP and SOCKS proxies will be proxied.
Q: Is Psiphon 3 for Windows compatible with IE, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome web browsers?
A: Yes. In SSH modes, check your browser settings and make sure that it is configured to use the system proxy settings.
Q: Are there any port restrictions in VPN mode? Why can't I send email using my mail client in VPN mode?
A: Outbound connections from the PH 3 for Windows VPN can be made only on the following ports: 53, 80, 443, 554, 1935, 7070, 8000, 8001, 6971-6999. See this discussion for more information. Mail clients cannot establish outbound connections on ports 25 and 587. See this discussion for more information.
Q: What VPN protocol is used by Psiphon 3 for Windows? Why can't I connect?
A: Psiphon uses the L2TP/IPSec VPN protocol. Your network's firewall may not allow the use of VPNs. Your home router may not be configured to pass through this VPN protocol; check your firewall settings to see that IPSec or L2TP pass-through is enabled. Your system’s IPSec Services may be disabled; check your service settings and enable this service to start automatically.
Q: I can connect to Psiphon 3 for Windows in VPN mode, but why is it so slow? Sometimes web pages don't load at all.
A: Certain networking hardware or Internet connections may cause performance problems for L2TP/IPSec which is the protocol used by PH 3 in VPN mode. Try using SSH modes instead.
Q: When I connect to Psiphon 3 for Windows in VPN mode, none of my web pages load. I get error messages indicating that a domain lookup failed.
A: PH 3 restricts DNS traffic to white-listed, vetted DNS servers. The PH 3 client automatically configures your VPN DNS server settings. If you're getting errors related to DNS, check that you're not infected by the "DNS Changer" malware, which tries to change your DNS server settings. More info can be found here.
Q: How do I configure applications to use the Psiphon 3 tunnel in SSH modes?
A: PH 3 will automatically configure your system to use a local HTTP/HTTPS proxy at a local SOCKS proxy at Windows applications that use the System Proxy Settings will automatically be proxied. You may manually configure other applications to use these local proxies. Both PH 3 for Windows (SSH modes) and PH3 for Android run these local proxies.
Q: What is SSH+ mode?
A: SSH mode with the addition of an obfuscation layer on top of the SSH handshake to defend against protocol fingerprinting. A description of the protocol can be found here.
Q. In SSH mode for Psiphon 3 for Windows, I see the error message "Failed to connect to Polipo". What can I do?
A: The local HTTP proxy could not run. You might have another process running that is using the default port. Try using a different port. See the question "Q. Can I run the local HTTP proxy on a different port than 8080?"
Q. Can I run the local HTTP proxy on a different port than 8080?
A: Yes, on Windows. Click Run, and type "regedit" to open the Registry Editor. Find and open "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Psiphon3", and on the right side you will see "UserLocalHTTPProxyPort". Set it's value to the port (in Decimal) that you would like to use.
Q: I use AutoProxy. How can I tell Psiphon3 for Windows not to configure my system proxy settings?
A: Click Run, and type "regedit" to open the Registry Editor. Find and open "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Psiphon3", and on the right side you will see "UserSkipProxySettings". Set this value to 1 and Psiphon 3 will not automatically configure the system proxy settings.
Hope You find all you wanted and fix you Problems... Thanks for Reading.. Do ensure You come Back for more Premium Guides.
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