One thing is to buy a memory card andanother thing is to buy an original one.Memory card sellers are not helping mattersas they use their sweet market voice todeceive unsuspecting customers who whoare novice when it comes to knowing anoriginal memory card.
Imagine yourself buying a memory card andusing it for only one day and it startedgiving you headache and you startexperiencing memory card corrupted.Imagine buying a 32gb or 64gb SD card andin short time it starts misbehaving. Somememory card will be written 16gb but whenyou insert it on your phone, you will onlysee 2gb. That is crazy.However, you can use card expander toincrease your 2gb SD card to 8gb or evenhigher.
There are a lot of fake SD cards out there inmarket and many people fall victims to this.Buying SD cards with one problem or theother. One of the most annoying experienceis memory cards that worked perfectly whentested in the store but once you get backhome, it starts giving one problem or theother. But relax, I will show you how todetect a fake SD with some tools like SDInsight and H2testw. But before then, see thefirst steps you will take while buying an SDcard
*Ask for warrantyThis will make the seller to be cautiousbecause he knows he will loose if anythinggo wrong with the sd card within thewarranty period. Some sellers will not evensell the product to you again immediatelyyou demand for warranty. They will stylishlychase you away because they know that theirproduct is not original.
*Test the SD card at the shopThis is if you are not buying it online. It isimportant you test your new SD card right infront of the seller. Try to receive a file intothe sd card, check the memory space andothers.
However, if you are buying from onlinestores like Jumia and Konga, you can placeyour order and pay when the SD card gets toyou fine...
It is extremely difficult to know a fake ororiginal SD card when you see it. Thepackaging is confusing and will look likeoriginal to you but with SD insight, you willidentify a fake or an original SD card. Theapplication is free, fast and easy-to-usemobile app. It is used to view SD cardmanufacturing details, the original size of thememory card and many other vitalinformation you need to know about yourmemory card...
How To Use SD Card InsightPut the memory card inside your phone andin seconds the memory card information willbe shown to you on the phone screen in asimple format understandable by anyone.
1. You can download SD Insight right fromGoogle Play store buy searching for thewordSD card insight
2. Once you have installed the app, Insertany SD card that you want to test into yourAndroid smartphone.
3. Now Launch the installed SD Insightapplication. Immediately, you will see theinformation about your SD card includingthe manufacturers, product name,manufacturing date and real size in a formatthat you will understand
4. Finally, you can click the menu button toview more real information about thememory card
5. Assuming you have more than one SDcards in your phone, you will easily be ableto also see the details for each SD card.
6. Not just seeing the real size andmanufacturing date but you can also lookinto the validation period of the memorycard against the class rating for theminimum data transfer rate for example, theClass 2, class 4, class 6 and the class 10 SDcards..

Imagine yourself buying a memory card andusing it for only one day and it startedgiving you headache and you startexperiencing memory card corrupted.Imagine buying a 32gb or 64gb SD card andin short time it starts misbehaving. Somememory card will be written 16gb but whenyou insert it on your phone, you will onlysee 2gb. That is crazy.However, you can use card expander toincrease your 2gb SD card to 8gb or evenhigher.
There are a lot of fake SD cards out there inmarket and many people fall victims to this.Buying SD cards with one problem or theother. One of the most annoying experienceis memory cards that worked perfectly whentested in the store but once you get backhome, it starts giving one problem or theother. But relax, I will show you how todetect a fake SD with some tools like SDInsight and H2testw. But before then, see thefirst steps you will take while buying an SDcard
*Ask for warrantyThis will make the seller to be cautiousbecause he knows he will loose if anythinggo wrong with the sd card within thewarranty period. Some sellers will not evensell the product to you again immediatelyyou demand for warranty. They will stylishlychase you away because they know that theirproduct is not original.
*Test the SD card at the shopThis is if you are not buying it online. It isimportant you test your new SD card right infront of the seller. Try to receive a file intothe sd card, check the memory space andothers.
However, if you are buying from onlinestores like Jumia and Konga, you can placeyour order and pay when the SD card gets toyou fine...
It is extremely difficult to know a fake ororiginal SD card when you see it. Thepackaging is confusing and will look likeoriginal to you but with SD insight, you willidentify a fake or an original SD card. Theapplication is free, fast and easy-to-usemobile app. It is used to view SD cardmanufacturing details, the original size of thememory card and many other vitalinformation you need to know about yourmemory card...
How To Use SD Card InsightPut the memory card inside your phone andin seconds the memory card information willbe shown to you on the phone screen in asimple format understandable by anyone.
1. You can download SD Insight right fromGoogle Play store buy searching for thewordSD card insight
2. Once you have installed the app, Insertany SD card that you want to test into yourAndroid smartphone.
3. Now Launch the installed SD Insightapplication. Immediately, you will see theinformation about your SD card includingthe manufacturers, product name,manufacturing date and real size in a formatthat you will understand
4. Finally, you can click the menu button toview more real information about thememory card
5. Assuming you have more than one SDcards in your phone, you will easily be ableto also see the details for each SD card.
6. Not just seeing the real size andmanufacturing date but you can also lookinto the validation period of the memorycard against the class rating for theminimum data transfer rate for example, theClass 2, class 4, class 6 and the class 10 SDcards..
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