Hello to all Vibers, I hope you guys have been enjoying what we are doing on this great blog. As you all know, ViberTechs is dedicated to providing you with the latest free browsing tweaks, most affordable data plans, reviews on the latest smartphones, electronic gadgets, android, iOS and PC tricks, How TOs, tech news and lots more.

Well, we have developed the official android application that will let you have all our updates right there at your fingertips. We believe it is one of the best ways to keep you updated and never miss any useful update on this great blog. This new app is designed in a way that you will get notifications on latest working free cheats on your phone. At default, the notification is on silent mode but you can choose your favorite song or tune as the notification tune. If you don't want sound, you can enable the only vibrate feature to get beep whenever a new article arrives.


==> Loads pages very fast

==> Displays our recent blog posts



==> Ability to click on blog post title and read it.

==> Simple design for easy navigation and understanding

==> Notification for receiving free latest cheats and updates on your phone

==> Commenting on the blog is now made very easy via this app

==> This latest version has fixed the bug of opening links from other web browsers

==> You can download any app on this blog via the app with one tap and fast downlod

==>Easy sharing of posts by just tapping on the share icon at the bottom right corner

==> Choose your favourite music as notification tune

==> Option to enable vibration alert or not

==> You can star important posts so that you can quickly refer to them any day

==> You can switch between different themes that suits your style

and lots more. Just test this app and see for yourself. very useful tool to keep you in touch of what you like best. Windows and iOS version coming soon!

This app is designed by Imo Chinweizu(imocheezy/viber)

If you want an app for your website/blog, forums, social media, business etc...

Contact the app designer on whatsapp 09090440852


Download ViberTechs Android App V1.2 HERE

The app is simply designed in a way that even a novice can be able to use it without finding it difficult. You can help distribute by sharing with your friends.


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