i-Boating : Marine Charts & Fishing Maps
Vector marine charts
i-Boating is a popular
marine navigation app, available on iOS, Android, Windows & Blackberry. It uses hardware acceleration for rendering ENC charts on all devices, making it the first application of its kind.
i-Boating Chart Plotter Applications
Its a full-fledged chartplotter and includes virtually all the features that you would find in a high end plotter. The application includes vector marine charts and lake maps.
- Hardware accelerated Vector charts
- Route Assistance with Voice Alerts
- AIS Tracking
- Custom Depth Shading & Water Level Offset
- Works with existing marine electronics over NMEA
- Offline charts with HD contours
- Sonar split screen display
- Autofollow with real time track overlay
Vector marine charts in your browser
browser app is available at
http://fishing-app.gpsnauticalcharts.com and includes the following features.
- Complete coverage of US, Canada, Australia & New Zealand (Other regions coming soon)
- Switch background maps to Street Maps, USGS Satellite Imagery and more.
- Change depth unit to feet, meter or fathom
- Use distance bearing tool
- Display latitude, longitude under cross hairs
- Rotate maps using mouse or standard touch gesture (Text stays upright on rotation).
ENC Chart Coverage
i-Boating includes ENC/Vector charts covering North America (US & Canada), Europe (includes Baltic sea, Mediterranean & Black Sea),, Australia, parts of Middle East & Asia.
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