Today am going to do something that is special, you are going to give me your blog url and i will review it. i will review it for you to know the next thing to do to your blog.

Reviewing of your blog
  This simply means that i will go to your blogs to check some errors you have made and tell you to correct them and then advise you want to d and what you should not do.

Some Things To Take Note Of While reviewing your blog

1. SEO 
2. Traffics 
3. GoogleAdsense 
4. Blog designs
 5. Blog arrangements 
6. Logo and important pages 
7. Backlinks 
7. Many other Etc

How To Drop your link on the blog

Please drop your blog URL in a way that you will backlink in order to improve your SEO too. Drop it like this below;

<a href="">ViberTechs</a>
Change to your blog link and then change that ViberTechs to your blog name that is all.

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