To all of us who are currently using the Etisalat Remote Tweak Free Browsing Cheat With Tweakware VPN, you will agree with me that it is stressful to keep installing Remote Tweak whenever you want to connect Etisalat unlimited free browsing on Tweakware VPN and I have found a new solution that will definitely and instantly cure that issue.

We know it's not easy to be buying data plan on an empty sim card in order to install the Remote Tweak, after all we want to browse for free. I think this post will serve as solution to the issue of buying data just to install 1MB remote tweak. So let's see how to solve the issue.

How To Install Remote Tweak Without Data

  • Just switch on your data connection and launch or open your Tweakware App (Download here if you don't have it).
  • Then under Bundle list; choose Etisalat 0.0kb and after it has connected.

  • Then go to SETTINGS and Tap on INSTALL REMOTE TWEAK.
  • After installation, then go back to Bundle list again and choose REMOTE TWEAK and connect with any of the servers.

  • Go back to home and click on connect

So enjoy

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