There is now a new update from WhatsApp which was released recentky and which also comes with some new cool features. Unfortunately, this update is only available for iOS users and there is no official statement as to when it will be available for android users.

With the latest WhatsApp update for iOS, you can now apply filter to photos, GIFs and even videos. The new filter feature is embedded in the camera. So all you need to do is to capture or choose a picture, GIF or video, then swipe left to select one of the 5 available filters.

WhatsApp also introduced another new feature targeted mostly at those who receive lots of pictures on WhatsApp. Now, when a set of 4 or more pictures is received in a row, Whatsapp will automatically group them together, as long as they are from the same sender.

There is also a new reply shortcut which makes replying to WhatsApp messages a lot more easier and faster. To access the reply shortcut, all you need to do is to swipe left on any message you want to reply to.

If you are an iOS user then you can get this new features by heading over to the app store and updating to the latest version. As for android users, there is no statement yet as to when this new update will be made available on Google play store.


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