It's actually been long since this was last done on this blog as we were having some serious issues which we have resolved.
Now we are here again and this is to make it official, the ViberTechs Top Commentator Monthly Giveaway has started again and this time you can all stand a chance to win up to #1000 free airtime of your choice.
We want to make sure that everybody has the chance to win in the monthly giveaway and it's actually up to you to be a monthly winner. With time, I will begin general Airtime giveaways to compensate anyone who is lucky to be online then.
Here are the simple mechanics:
- Top Commentator Monthly Giveaway is a simple thank you giveaway to all our active blog commentators.
- Prizes will be given monthly to all top 5 commentators with a special prize going to the top commentator with the highest comments for each specific month.
- Winners for the month will be announced here on the blog.
- You can comment as often as you want in a certain post and Make sure you comment with your Google account (GMAIL) or real name
- Please do not SPAM this blog, spam comments will be deleted immediately.
- You can reply to comments posted by others. Not on your own comment.
- If you're having challenges commenting, you can make use of our app.
NOTE: You can download our Official Android app on and be the first to get notification of new posts published on this Blog - Download Here.
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