Are you interested to protect your account from Foreign and Nigerian scammers, if that is the case then i will tell you more on how to keep your bank account and ATM card safe to avoid people using your account without your knowledge.
Am sure some people believes that is impossible for someone to h*ck or gain access to someone's account but trust me if you are not careful enough you can disclose account or ATM cards secrete pins and details without you knowing that is why banks always warn you about disclosing you account details or pins to anyone.

To protect You bank accounts and your ATM cards you must be aware that No bank will ever ask you to activate your account over the phone or to send your ATM card pin to them through phone or email and when ever you see such email or an sms kindly delete it and pretends as if you don't see anything.
Sometimes the scammers will send you a mail or phone that your ATM card has been deactivated that you should visit some certain website address for more details ot to re-activate it or to call a certain phone number for more details or to re-activate you ATM card or account.
Take not that all this is a scam and you must not call any phone number or visit any website to Activate you account or ATM card because they want to use that mode to acquire your account and ATM Details and pins which will enable them withdraw your money or use it to buy goods and services online.
Here is the sample of Scam emails
This message above looks like real but trust me is not so when you see any bank asking you to visit any site to validiate your account kindly delete it.
To prove that the above message is a scam
1. I don't have Firstbank account
2. SENDER: FirstCustomer <> this sender email is not a first bank email address
3. Go to http://www.firstbanknigeria .com/synchronise/january/upgrade Banks will never ask you to visit any address to COMPLETE YOUR VALIDATION instead they will tell you to visit their nearest branch when needed.
Am sure some people believes that is impossible for someone to h*ck or gain access to someone's account but trust me if you are not careful enough you can disclose account or ATM cards secrete pins and details without you knowing that is why banks always warn you about disclosing you account details or pins to anyone.
To protect You bank accounts and your ATM cards you must be aware that No bank will ever ask you to activate your account over the phone or to send your ATM card pin to them through phone or email and when ever you see such email or an sms kindly delete it and pretends as if you don't see anything.
Sometimes the scammers will send you a mail or phone that your ATM card has been deactivated that you should visit some certain website address for more details ot to re-activate it or to call a certain phone number for more details or to re-activate you ATM card or account.
Take not that all this is a scam and you must not call any phone number or visit any website to Activate you account or ATM card because they want to use that mode to acquire your account and ATM Details and pins which will enable them withdraw your money or use it to buy goods and services online.
Here is the sample of Scam emails
SENDER: FirstCustomer <>
Ensure you synchronize your token Device correctly on our platform,to avoid being locked
Go to http://www.firstbanknigeria .com/synchronise/january/upgrade
Thank you for banking with FirstBank.
First Bank Nigeria Limited.
To sign up for your free e-statement, if in doubt of any email you receive, and for all other enquiries on FirstBank products and services, please call 0700FIRSTCONTACT (0700-34778-2668228), 01-4485500, 0708-062-5000, SMS Short Code 30012 or email . FirstBank is ISO 27001, ISO 22301 and ISO 9001: 2015 certified.
Thank you for banking with FirstBank.
First Bank Nigeria Limited.
Observe security policies, do not reveal your online banking password(s), token generated number(s) and email passwords to anyone; FirstBank will never ask for these.
To sign up for your free e-statement, if in doubt of any email you receive, and for all other enquiries on FirstBank products and services, please call 0700FIRSTCONTACT (0700-34778-2668228), 01-4485500, 0708-062-5000, SMS Short Code 30012 or email . FirstBank is ISO 27001, ISO 22301 and ISO 9001: 2015 certified.
This message above looks like real but trust me is not so when you see any bank asking you to visit any site to validiate your account kindly delete it.
To prove that the above message is a scam
1. I don't have Firstbank account
2. SENDER: FirstCustomer <> this sender email is not a first bank email address
3. Go to http://www.firstbanknigeria .com/synchronise/january/upgrade Banks will never ask you to visit any address to COMPLETE YOUR VALIDATION instead they will tell you to visit their nearest branch when needed.
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